Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thursday Tale from the Scale

one hundred seventy five point four
UP 0.6 lbs This Week
DOWN 6.6 lbs TOTAL
Now that that's over and done with and Aunt Flo (sorry if that's too much information) has packed up and went home for three weeks we can get back to business. I'm not saying weight loss is impossible for me when she visits but it's HARD!

I have too many exciting things going on in my life to let that get me down. Today I did my first ever guest post for Sarah @ Blonde Southern Lovin'. She is busy saving slaughter bound horses today so I was more than happy to fill in and tell everyone a little bit about my BHFF {Best Horse Friend Forever}.

Go check out Sarah's blog and find out how she has brought me back to my first true love.


  1. great guest post! i think G needs his own pony! :)

  2. Seriously, WHY does Shark Week always make it impossible to lose weight?! And it's so unfair that guys will never deal with this, nor will they understand. Blah!
    Great guest post! Every holiday and birthday growing up I BEGGED my parents for a horse. We lived within city limits, and their answer was always no. Fun haters. :)
