
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

{So What Wednesday}

Today, I am linking up with Shannon @ Life After I "Dew" for {So What Wednesday}.
So What Wednesday
  • All week I have been fighting (and failing miserably) to loose the 2 lbs I gained over the weekend before my Weigh-In for Thursday Tale from the Scale .
  • I didn't finish laundry last night, there is a load in the washer and a load in the dryer waiting for me at home (and about 3 more in the hamper).
  • I want to each snow crab and shrimp smothered in butter tomorrow night for Valentines Day.
  • I haven't gotten Mr. You Betcha or Little Man their Valentine's Day presents yet. That's why Walmart is 24 hour right?
  • I keep ignoring Mr. You Betcha when he says he has a sore throat because I refuse to give into his "man sickness". 
  • I fed Little Man fruit snacks for breakfast. He has a fever, is cutting molars, and it was the only thing he would eat.
  • I took Little Man to the doctor this morning thinking he had an ear infection only to find out his ears are clean and I should just keep treating his fever with Tylenol.
  • I got a fat girl Spicy Italian Foot Long from Subway for lunch..... with mayo....on white bread! Gasp! That baby is going to be breakfast, lunch, and supper.
  • I need to go grocery shopping and have been putting it off as long as humanly possible.
  • I think I need toothpicks to hold my eyelids open today.
I would like to thank Shannon for hosting {So What Wednesday}. I guess I really needed to vent a little.

I will leave you with this from Instagram...

I don't always wear shorts & sunglasses in February,
but when I do I have a fever and am cutting molars.


  1. Ha! Man sickness. Guys are THE WORST when it comes to a little cold! They have no idea what we go through.
    Our little guy is cutting molars, too. I pretty much hate it.

  2. Oh man, your little guy is so cute! Hope he starts feeling better!!

  3. ahahahaha LOVE the pic and the caption!

  4. OMG I love that picture!!

    Stopping by from So What Wednesday!!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  5. Haha! My hubby is saying that too. Man cold for sure!!
