
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My Top Weekend Shenanigans

Even though it's Tuesday night, I figured I would share my top weekend shenanigans with everyone and link up over at Sami's Shenanigans.

Here is the quick version...
Friday Night - A good time was had by all when Papa came over for pizza and stuck around to play board games with us. This is one of our favorite thing to do with friends and family. Can't wait until Little Man understands how to play some of the games we have gotten him (Uno Moo, Sesame Street Chutes & Ladders, Yahtzee Jr.)
Saturday Night - We went bowling with my brother in law & his wife Lisa. Lisa also talked about it HERE. It was Little Man's first time and he seemed to really enjoy it. Maybe he will be a natural just like his daddy (seriously, the dude makes it look easy in a way that frustrates the heck out of a person born with average bowling abilities).
Sunday -  The whole family left the house headed in different directions. Mr. You Betcha had fire training and Little Man had been invited to a birthday party. We came home a bit early from the birthday party because someone was missing out on nap time and it was becoming evident. When we got home we were greeted with a pleasant suprise. Mr. You Betcha had gotten out of class early and was able to spend the rest of the day at home. After Little Man took his much needed nap we decided to take him out for his first snowmobile ride.
Don't let the grump face fool you, he LOVED it!
There you have it in a nutshell.
To some it may seem pretty me it was simply perfect!

1 comment:

  1. Though I certainly don't miss the cold, or even the snow, I do miss a good snowmobile ride!
    Looks like a great weekend!!
