Our beloved Minnesota Vikings were scheduled to kick off at 7:20 p.m. and I had to work late. So when I got off I was going to stop at the grocery store to quickly grab a few ingredients for Mr. You Betcha's favorite nachos before heading home, make nachos for supper/the game, and sneak away at some point during the game after the little man was in bed to work out.
Just as I was headed out the door (about 6:45 p.m.) we had this conversation:
If you don't already know you will soon realize that we are BIG Viking's Fans and not just the fair weather type! I have all games written on my calendar, we try not to schedule anything during these times, and tend to go to one or two home games a year. Someday maybe we will be season ticket holders but for now that's not in the budget.
Anyways, although he isn't one to complain I know this would put a big damper in his night so the wheels in my head started turning. I jumped into planning mode, called my mom and asked if we could join them to watch the game (they get the Mpls station Kare 11), and called Mr. You Betcha back to tell him to pack up Little Man we are going to Nana's!
I still went and grabbed stuff from the grocery store and met my men at Nana's about 5 minutes before the game started. Yes, they had their matching Percy Harvin jerseys on again.
Mom and I whipped up some snacks and we had a GREAT impromptu football party even if our team lost.
The downfall was that we got home at about 11:00 p.m. and I didn't get either my Couch to 5K or 30 Day
Shred workouts in. I had planned on going light over the weekend and doing Couch to 5K on Saturday and 30 Day Shred on Sunday as "rest days" since I have been trying to do both workouts every day. However, now I think it will be best to hit it hard both days to make up for the fact that both Wednesday and Thursday I was a SLACKER.
I still don't regret it! If I would have said "oh well" when Mr. You Betcha text me he would have gotten over it, the world would have went on, and I would have gotten my workout in. BUT, we would have missed out on LIVING LIFE!
So...Roll with the Punches!!!